Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ellie at 8 weeks

This week our little girl is more and more interested in the world around her. She wakes up with wide eyes and now prefers to be held facing out or sitting up so that she can see what's going on around her. She's smiling and laughing more and more, and her repertoire of coos and little shrieks is impressive. My mom bought her a play mat with dangling toys and a piano that she can kick with her feet. I'm not sure she realizes at all where the piano sounds are coming from, but she loves to kick it. Her fussy times seem to have decreased, or maybe we've just learned better how to respond to them. She still gets tired in the evening, but nursing or her pacifier generally keep her pretty happy.

Her hands are hilarious. When she's awake and alert, she generally still has her fists clenched tight. She hasn't started grasping things yet, though she'll sometimes accidentally bat one of her toys or yank my hair. When she's sleepy, her hands are wide open and she waves them about as if she were conducting an orchestra. Sometimes it looks like she's trying to do the Thriller dance. Occasionally she'll stare at her hands or feet for a few minutes, as if she's rather amazed at them and is slowly realizing that these things are attached to her.

She's still sleeping great, and we've started trying to transition her from swing to crib. Last night I put her to sleep in the little cradle attached to the pack n play, which is shaped like her swing but is stationary. She slept like a champ! Which is good news as I am taking her to Williamsburg this weekend to visit my folks, and I was not looking forward to lugging that swing along. Hopefully she'll sleep well the rest of the week in her pack n play, and we'll be all set for the weekend.

Her hair has never fallen out as I was half expecting, but just keeps getting longer. She now has a bit of a mullet going on, so I may see if we can trim it up a bit in the back. Her eyes don't seem to have changed too much either, and still look blue-gray in the light and more hazel when it's darker.

We've had some great walks this week, and Abby has now gotten used to the stroller. She'll trot alongside us pretty well, and only tries to bolt if a squirrel or another dog gets too close. The dogs have been so great with Ellie. They've been very respectful and always back off if we ask them to. But they're also curious about her and will lick her anytime she's within their reach. I can't wait until Ellie is old enough to play with them both. I think Scout will tolerate it and act the guardian while Abby will love it and play with gusto.

This is my last full week of maternity leave, though I'll have three more weeks of just part-time. It will be a tough transition, and I am in a bit of denial about it. But it's also kind of exciting, as it will mean new experiences for both of us. As much as I have loved being home with her, I miss work and I'll be glad to return to a more fixed routine.

All three of us are oh so ready for spring, and can't wait for warm weather and working in the garden and lazy days in the hammock. It must be right around the corner...

Tummy time! Not her favorite, and she gets frustrated pretty quickly. But she can lift her head and move it from side to side, so hopefully she'll enjoy it more soon as her neck muscles get stronger.

We went to Greensboro to have lunch with Jennie. Elle had a nap with Webby.

Obligatory naked photo. Look at that fat belly! She looks like she'd really like to sock somebody.

On top of Daddy is still absolutely the best place to nap.


Back from a walk, stretching after coming out of the stroller.

Mom got her this great little pilot's cap which stays on the best of any of her hats. And I love that she looks like a little Amelia Earhart, tightening the strap on her cap and ready to take off.

Happy girl playing her piano!

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