Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ellie at Three Months

This is such a sweet age! Ellie turned 3 months on Monday and weighed in this morning at exactly 12 pounds. The ladies at the day care remark on how tiny she is, but to me she feels heavy! I guess they are comparing her to one-year olds and I am comparing her to the tiny thing she was as a newborn.

She is getting less wobbly and absolutely loves being held so she can sit up and watch what's going on around her. In fact, she'll generally fuss if you try to hold her any other way. She'll bounce in her bouncy chair or sit up in her Bumbo and just watch everything with wide eyes. 

She's also starting to be more aware of who the people are around her. There is nothing better than walking into the day care and seeing her smiles and coos when she sees and recognizes us. She smiles a lot and Matt claims he heard her first true chuckle this week. Some of her favorite things: her glowing nightlight that changes colors, the water squirters in the bath that make a squeaking noise, her piano play gym, and of course her Daddy. She loves laughing and smiling at her daddy. If you haven't heard Matt do baby talk, you're missing out. It makes me laugh just to watch them together. 

She's almost certainly working on some teeth though nothing has emerged yet. Lots of drool! And she spends most of her time trying to stuff her hands inside her mouth. Speaking of hands, she is really figuring them out! She loves feeling different textures and will occasionally grab onto a toy or teether and hold it for a while. 

Spring finally truly arrived this week (thank goodness) and we've been spending lots of time outside. Now instead of worrying whether she's warm enough, I can start worrying about sunburn. Luckily this doll is adorable in a sun hat. 

Hanging out with Aunt Jennie

Watching March Madness with Dad

Fist bump for the Tar Heels, watching the bball game with Uncle Collin and Grandpa.

Grandpa came and spent a long weekend with us. This is also the first time she wore shoes. Ohhhh, shoes!

Drooling with Aunt Jennie

Hanging out and watching Mom sew

First Easter! Matt asked me the night before Easter if we had an Easter basket for her. did not think of that. So he came home from work Easter morning with a basket and candy for her. He said it was slim pickings at the store, she got the dregs of the Easter candy, including some sugar-free peeps. We'll do better next year. Glad we have Matt looking after us.

I'm getting my sewing mojo back. I sewed this little dress for her and it actually fits!

Easter outfit, full view.

And she will hate me someday for posting this, but this is her pooping face. I was so excited to capture it on camera.

Sweet nap in Mama Joan's arms

Yeah, I'm a hipster.

Ellie and Memom

She looks like a Kewpie doll here.

Big enough to face forward in the Bjorn!

Hanging out with Dad after day care. Pooped.

And finally beautiful sunshine and warm weather! Hooray!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ellie's Birth Story

[Warning: some gory details included. Also, this is long. But I want to remember everything!]

Ellie was born on a Monday evening in early January. Like all the women I know who have gone past their due date, I was more than ready to get that show on the road. She didn't make us wait long, though, and came just two days after my due date.

36 weeks
The doctors had been telling me for weeks that she could come any day because I was already measuring 2-3 cm dilated at my appointments every week of the last month. I packed my hospital bag...we put the finishing touches on the nursery...and we waited. Luckily we had the holidays to distract us. Christmas came and went. New Year's came and went. The contractions slowly started in my last weeks, so gently at first that I wasn't even sure that's what they were. My labor really was like a crescendo, creeping up on me like a slow tide. As those early, weak contractions starting increasing in frequency, I wondered every day if that would be the day. The anticipation, the not knowing, was tough for both me and Matt. I felt like a watched pot, a ticking time bomb. Matt learned to recognize my "contraction face" which he said looked like a two-year old pooping: slightly concerned with a furrowed brow, but not in any real pain. I tried to look for patterns, even occasionally timing the contractions, but I also knew that when labor actually started, I would know it. And I did.

38 weeks, making Christmas cookies.


The contractions really picked up in the two days before she was born. The night that labor truly began, I stayed up late watching the season premiere of Downton Abbey with Mom and Dad, who had come to meet their first granddaughter. I went to bed, then woke up at 1:00 am to contractions that were indeed much more intense than anything I'd felt before. I stayed in bed and breathed through each one. I slept in little fits and starts between contractions. Although they were much more intense, by 6am they were still 7 or 8 minutes apart. The doctor had told us to wait until they were 4 minutes apart before coming to the hospital. Eventually I got up to take a shower and wash my hair since I was pretty sure this was the real deal. As soon as I got up, the contractions started coming 3-4 minutes apart. By the time I finished getting dressed, Matt had his coat on, the bags in the car, and the car warmed up. Mom kissed us good-bye and we were off. It was about 7:00 am.

Looking back, our arrival at the hospital was pretty funny. We are not the type of people to make a big fuss--pretty low-key, even when we're about to give birth to our first child. We found out later that most people come in through the emergency room, but we just walked into the Women's Center through the visitors entrance. I wasn't sure where to check in, so I just went up to the nurses' station and said "I'm pretty sure I'm in labor." They were somewhat surprised and not particularly impressed. I think given my calm demeanor and sudden appearance, they didn't believe I could truly be in labor. But they were very nice and led us to a triage room. I was 5 cm dilated. The nurse said, "I'll get you a room!"

The long day in the hospital is a bit of a blur in my memory, even though it was only three months ago. The nurses were all great and my favorite midwife was on call, so I was surrounded by wonderful people. Matt was my rock. He never asked me what I needed, just held my hands through every contraction and kept me smiling. My feet were cold so I wore a pair of black and white striped fuzzy socks the whole day, like some crazy wicked witch of the west.

I had read a lot about all my pain management choices and we had taken the classes. I liked the idea of a natural childbirth, but I didn't rule anything out absolutely. I'd never been in labor before and I'd never really experienced a lot of pain before, so I just told myself I'd take it as it came and make whatever decisions felt right at the time. We worked through the contractions for most of the day. We walked. I bounced on the birthing ball. The birthing ball was great. By mid-afternoon, I was 8 cm dilated and the midwife broke my water. Back on the birthing ball. The contractions hurt. A LOT. I'd read about "labor rituals"--the spontaneous strategies that each woman develops to work through her contractions. For me, it was holding Matt's hands and imagining myself climbing a mountain during each contraction. At the peak of the contraction, I was STOMPING my hiking boots around the top of that mountain.

I climbed my mountains, bounced on that ball, and did my best. The next time the midwife checked my progress, I was still at 8 cm. I think if she'd told me I was 9 cm, I might have been able to make it. But I was so tired and the lack of progress was discouraging. Suddenly I knew I didn't want to feel that pain anymore. I wanted the epidural. So the midwife ordered it and gave me some narcotic pain medicine to hold me over until it came. Relief! The IV meds didn't block the pain, but I didn't care about it nearly as much. They did make me a little loopy. In my imagination, instead of climbing mountains, I was now building them out of green Legos. I knew I wasn't actually using Legos--that it was all in my imagination--but Matt told me later that I actually did start making motions with my hands. But I felt so much better.

The anesthesiologist came pretty quickly, a big, boisterous man that seemed to fill the room with his big, friendly voice. The procedure was easy and I was soon lying back in bed, tucked under the covers, pain gone. The only side effect of the epidural that I noticed was that I started shivering. I wasn't cold, but I shook almost constantly. Still, it seemed a small price to pay for the respite from the contractions. I was soon 10 cm dilated. The midwife recommended I "labor down" for a little while to rest up for the pushing stage. I relaxed for about half an hour.

When it came time to push, I was ready and eager. Suddenly, rather than being at the mercy of endless contractions, I had something I could do, something to work on! I put my back into it. The nurse watched the contraction monitor and told me when to push. Matt did all the counting, over and over, counting to 10 twice during each contraction. When Ellie's head started emerging, there was much discussion of her inch-long blonde hair sticking up like a mohawk. They asked me if I wanted a mirror and I said "no, don't even give me my glasses. You're all a blur and that is just fine with me!" I was on a mission. Push, push, PUSH!

And suddenly she was there, crying and goopy and utterly beautiful. Matt said that what came out next (the afterbirth) is something he wishes he could "un-see" but we mostly only had eyes for our little girl. They put her in my arms. She kept on screaming, and we laughed and cried. Matt followed Ellie over to the bassinet for her weigh-in and checkup. I had some pretty significant tearing, and it took the midwife about 30 minutes to get me all sewn up. I did ask for my glasses at that point so I could watch Matt and Ellie on the other side of the room.

She was born at 7:52 pm. It was the longest, most exhausting, most wonderful day of my life, and it was only the beginning. Some people say you fall in love with your baby the moment you see her, some say you have to get to know her first. For me, I think I was too scared when she first arrived to do much but worry. I had a bit of "performance anxiety" in a way. I needed to succeed at mothering. Breastfeeding, soothing her cries, keeping her warm and content--these all seemed so much more challenging than I had anticipated. In retrospect, the labor was the easy part. If I could do anything over again, I would have just been kinder to myself, and more patient. I would tell myself: This isn't easy, but you can trust your body and your heart to do all the right things in time. Be present in every moment because it all passes by so quickly.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ellie at 10 Weeks

10 weeks old! And getting pretty good at holding that head up. We got her a Bumbo seat, which she seems to enjoy. She gets tired pretty quickly and she begins to list to one side or the other, but she does love sitting up on her own.

We had our 2-month checkup and the pediatrician said she looked beautiful. That is perhaps my interpretation of what she said, but she did say that all was well. Ellie continues to hold steady at 25th percentile for height and weight. We are little people, we Sizemore-Tuckers. But her fat rolls are ever increasing, and she's got a lot of very cute dimples. She also got her first set of shots at the doctor. She only cried for about 30 seconds, which we thought was pretty impressive. It is funny how there is a slight pause after the needle goes in, then her face screws up and out comes a mighty scream. It also happens if you accidentally bonk her head on the screen door on your way out the door, or if you knock her head against a shelf, or if you nick her finger while trimming her nails. All of which I have done this week. Oy.

Our trip to Mom and Dad's was quite a success. She slept almost the entire way (both ways) in the car and she slept just as well at night as she does at home. This little girl may have inherited her mother's love of sleep. We had a great time hanging out in Williamsburg, showed her W&M and DOG Street. Had a picnic of Cheese Shop sandwiches with Justin and Hannah. Went to Suzanne's for a play date with Matthew. Her first play date! She was pretty intrigued by Matthew, as if to say "hey, another little person...I'm not the only little person!"

Developmentally, holding the head up is probably the thing she's working on most right now. Still not a big fan of tummy time, but she's getting better. Not grasping things yet, though if you place something in that vice grip of hers, she will hold on to it for a little while. Don't think she really realizes what she's doing though.

She is also "talking" a lot more. Matt is particularly good at getting her to talk. He holds her on his knee, and mimics the "hoo" and "ha" sounds that she makes. She loves this, and responds back at him with more of the same. And she really is responding to him, as if they are having a conversation. The first time it happened, we both teared up. It was awesome.

What are you looking at?

Morning at Grandma and Grandpa's house, sitting up in the Boppy

Sweet smile waking up from a nap

Pretty spring day, not sure why the furrowed brow

Well, hello!

Matt's suggested caption for this photo was "Someone left a baby out on the lawn." We had a beautiful 75 degree day. Ellie and I had a nap in the backyard.

Caught a sweet laughing smile!

She looks so much like Matt in this picture.

Matt sent me this picture on my first day back at work. Sleeping peacefully while in Daddy's care.

My two sweet babies

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ellie at 8 weeks

This week our little girl is more and more interested in the world around her. She wakes up with wide eyes and now prefers to be held facing out or sitting up so that she can see what's going on around her. She's smiling and laughing more and more, and her repertoire of coos and little shrieks is impressive. My mom bought her a play mat with dangling toys and a piano that she can kick with her feet. I'm not sure she realizes at all where the piano sounds are coming from, but she loves to kick it. Her fussy times seem to have decreased, or maybe we've just learned better how to respond to them. She still gets tired in the evening, but nursing or her pacifier generally keep her pretty happy.

Her hands are hilarious. When she's awake and alert, she generally still has her fists clenched tight. She hasn't started grasping things yet, though she'll sometimes accidentally bat one of her toys or yank my hair. When she's sleepy, her hands are wide open and she waves them about as if she were conducting an orchestra. Sometimes it looks like she's trying to do the Thriller dance. Occasionally she'll stare at her hands or feet for a few minutes, as if she's rather amazed at them and is slowly realizing that these things are attached to her.

She's still sleeping great, and we've started trying to transition her from swing to crib. Last night I put her to sleep in the little cradle attached to the pack n play, which is shaped like her swing but is stationary. She slept like a champ! Which is good news as I am taking her to Williamsburg this weekend to visit my folks, and I was not looking forward to lugging that swing along. Hopefully she'll sleep well the rest of the week in her pack n play, and we'll be all set for the weekend.

Her hair has never fallen out as I was half expecting, but just keeps getting longer. She now has a bit of a mullet going on, so I may see if we can trim it up a bit in the back. Her eyes don't seem to have changed too much either, and still look blue-gray in the light and more hazel when it's darker.

We've had some great walks this week, and Abby has now gotten used to the stroller. She'll trot alongside us pretty well, and only tries to bolt if a squirrel or another dog gets too close. The dogs have been so great with Ellie. They've been very respectful and always back off if we ask them to. But they're also curious about her and will lick her anytime she's within their reach. I can't wait until Ellie is old enough to play with them both. I think Scout will tolerate it and act the guardian while Abby will love it and play with gusto.

This is my last full week of maternity leave, though I'll have three more weeks of just part-time. It will be a tough transition, and I am in a bit of denial about it. But it's also kind of exciting, as it will mean new experiences for both of us. As much as I have loved being home with her, I miss work and I'll be glad to return to a more fixed routine.

All three of us are oh so ready for spring, and can't wait for warm weather and working in the garden and lazy days in the hammock. It must be right around the corner...

Tummy time! Not her favorite, and she gets frustrated pretty quickly. But she can lift her head and move it from side to side, so hopefully she'll enjoy it more soon as her neck muscles get stronger.

We went to Greensboro to have lunch with Jennie. Elle had a nap with Webby.

Obligatory naked photo. Look at that fat belly! She looks like she'd really like to sock somebody.

On top of Daddy is still absolutely the best place to nap.


Back from a walk, stretching after coming out of the stroller.

Mom got her this great little pilot's cap which stays on the best of any of her hats. And I love that she looks like a little Amelia Earhart, tightening the strap on her cap and ready to take off.

Happy girl playing her piano!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Ellie at 7 weeks

Tim took this picture last week, and I'm hoping to use one of the photos from this set for our birth announcements. I have no idea when you're supposed to send out birth announcements (soon after the birth, I guess) but ours will probably go out around the time she hits 2 months. Why be conventional?

Ellie at 7 weeks is getting to be a lot of fun. She's more alert and engaged with the world every day, and it's amazing to me how she hits each milestone as if on cue. The books say she'll smile at us sometime around 5-6 weeks, and sure enough, those early fleeting sleep smiles (one book called them "butterfly smiles") have now been joined by full-on laughing smiles that she gives us when we make silly noises or talk to her. Her alert, contented times are still rather few and far between, but every day she does something new. This week she's noticing anything that is twirling or rocking in her field of vision. Yesterday we played with the toys dangling from her pack n play, and today she stared at the dining room chandelier for a good 15 minutes while I occasionally nudged it to keep it swinging. 15 minutes for me to eat my lunch!

And sleep, oh sleep! My baby girl is a good sleeper (KNOCK ON WOOD). She is pretty fussy in the evening but by 8 or 9:00 she gets very sleepy. We swaddle her, turn on her noise machine, put her in the swing and she usually drops right off. It is rather magical, and I count myself very lucky. She has a string of twinkle lights in her bedroom and she stares at those for a few minutes, then falls asleep. She's up once in the night for a feeding, usually around 3 am, then she's back out until Matt gets home around 7 or 7:30. I have now fully recovered from my sleep deficit and am one happy mama.

 I'm going to try to post weekly updates so I can remember these early weeks. I keep thinking of the phrase "the days are long but the years are short," which certainly describes the newborn months! It's hard to believe she's been with us for 7 weeks. It seems both very long and oh so short.

Photo Update!

I haven't been very good about updating this blog, but here are some photos from our iPhones from the last few weeks!

Bouncing in awesome bouncy seat. Matt laughs because I sing "bouncy-bouncy-bouncy" to her whenever she is in this thing. I also sing "swim-swim-swim" to her in the bath.

What's up?

Love my daddy

Grandma came to stay with us for a week. It was awesome. Here she's teaching Ellie to stick her tongue out.

Lunch al fresco with grandma


Hoo hoo!

Abby kiss

Tanny-up hair

I realized I didn't have many photos of me and Ellie so I cheesed for the camera.

Still loving my baths

With Memom, Elsie and Mama Joan

Holding Papa's hand

Matt with his Memom and Papa

Grandpa and Ellie wearing the matching shirts we got them for Christmas
Happy Valentine's Day!